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Need Of Drug De addiction & Rehabilitation Centre

We recognize that substance abuse is a widespread affliction; the personal, social and economic costs are borne by the individual and the community as a whole. Drug dependency leads to productivity loss, domestic violence, depletion of family resources, increased street crime, etc. To address this menace generating awareness of the evils of addiction is essential for creating a drug free society. Accordingly we have been doing our bit in the form of street plays, awareness lectures, film shows etc. These are conducted at universities, colleges, schools, addiction prone areas, cities and towns of Jammu and Kashmir. Instances of drug abuse seem to be growing in all segments of society, but ironically, there are very few centres where an addict can get reliable help. Other than a couple of non-governmental agencies and a few government hospitals, facilities are woefully inadequate and relapse rates are very high.



  • To provide a well-formulated de-addiction and rehabilitation program covering motivational counselling, detoxification, sustained rehabilitation, relapse prevention and after-care.  b 


  • Services

  • Detoxification and emergency treatment

  • Psychotherapy, family work and recreational therapy

  • Home visits

  • Individual/group counselling and family counselling

  • Input sessions

  • Counselling and de-addiction camps

  • Anti-drug film shows

  • Follow-up program (vocational training for client who have just completed his/her rehabilitation)

  • Narcotics Anonymous (a safe space where substance dependents can offer mutual support).

The main functions of the Centre as under:-

1. PREVENTION: - Activities such as Seminars, Lectures, Exhibitions, street plays etc, are undertaken towards awareness of this modem menace.

2.TREATMENT: - The patient is required to stay at the Centre accompanied by someone who can attend him in a better way for about 15 to 25 days,(as per the doctors advice), during which, he, along with getting medical attention for his physical with-drawl symptoms, also undergoes drastic counselling and Yoga exercises. The treatment and stay at the Centre will be totally free of cost. (Only they have to pay for their food).

3. REHABILITATION: - Different type of activities will be undertaken to rehabilitate the addicts to their normal life, such as teaching them ways and means to earn their livelihood through skilled based training and any activity they prefer and for which they want to get loan from the Banks to start their own business.

The Core Elements for Treatment:

  • Physical - healing and rejuvenating the body: detoxification, medical and nursing services, body-oriented natural therapies such as acupuncture and naturopathy, shiatsu, massage, nutrition, yoga, fitness training...

  • Behavioural - learning new skills: Cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT), dependency counselling, psycho-education, psychophysiology of dependency, relapse prevention, management strategies for anxiety and depression...

  • Psychological - addressing underlying issues: psychotherapy, trauma resolution (Somatic Experiencing ™), relationship counselling, family of origin work, CBT, EMDR, Hypnotherapy, NLP, psychiatry...

  • Meditation: helping them to find the way that works for you: mindfulness in daily life, movement meditation, self enquiry, guided meditation, Zen meditation, vipassana techniques, meditation instruction...

  • After Care: planning for your rehabilitation from  drug dependency includes your personalized after Care program to support your sustainable recovery.

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